Steer your career path!

I believe every person has a calling. When they find it, it brings them ease and success.

A career consultant is a prerequisite for success!

I believe in the saying if you find a job you love, you’ll never have to work again. After many years in recruitment and staff development, I now help people find their calling and the work that will make them feel alive. My diverse experience in the HR domain allows me to know organizations from a different perspective and apply this knowledge in career counselling.

Do you want to go to work with pleasure and be successful? It’s now possible!

My mission is to accelerate this process!

During our meetings, my clients discover new perspectives and start consciously following the direction towards the desired goal. Through my positivism, I encourage people to look at life on its positive side.

Кариерен консултант Пламена Гетова

I help my clients find their inspiration, strengths and talents and then effortlessly achieve goals.

I didn’t know what I wanted to do until mid-university. I have always been guided to study easy and enjoyable subjects. This approach helped me a lot to discover my talents.

At a very challenging time, I met the owner of a recruitment agency who helped me find a job but first took the time to talk to me.

He explained to me the importance of a good CV and portfolio. It prepared me for the interviews, even though I was applying for low-skilled student positions by the time. That’s when I decided I wanted to be like him and help people find work. There are events in our lives that show us which is the way.

It also helped me to develop my talents by following my interests.

I loved my job as HR and witnessed many people’s professional journey with their triumphs and struggles. I have seen thousands of CVs, I have conducted many interviews. I know how hard it is to make a good CV and how stressful the job search and interview process is.

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Inspect if your employer values you!

Have you thought about whether they value your work and how you understand it?

After completing the test you will receive an analysis of your answers. If necessary, I will give you specific recommendations, for example:

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