Career consultant and coach for motivated people looking for a career transition.

A career consultant is a prerequisite for success!

I believe in the saying that if you find a job you like, you’ll never have to work again. After many years in recruitment, I now help people to find their vocation and the job that will make them feel alive. I have found it and can share that I have worked very little and the rest has been creativity and pleasure. My diverse experience in the HR field allows me to know the organizations from a different perspective and apply this knowledge in career consulting.

Кариерен консултант Пламена Гетова

I help my clients find their inspiration and locate their strengths and talents. They achieve their goals with ease.

I didn’t know what I wanted to do until mid-university. My mom always guided me to study what would be easy and enjoyable for me, which helped me discover my talents. At a very challenging time, I met the owner of a recruitment agency who helped me find a job. But first, he took the time to talk to me.

He explained to me the importance of a good CV and portfolio. He also prepared me for the interviews, even though I was applying for low-skilled student positions at that period. That’s when I decided: I wanted to be like him and help people to find a job.

There are events in our lives that show us which is the right way.

I loved my job in HR and have witnessed many people’s professional journeys with their triumphs and hardships. I have seen thousands of CVs, and I have also done many interviews. I know how hard it is to make a good CV and how stressful the job search and interview process can be. It has become my cause to have more good CVs and to help everyone build their career, guide it skillfully and get where they want to go.


What ask most often my clients:

I have passed the coaching training of Erickson coaching international, based on the Solution-Focused methodology. As an ACC (Associate Certified Coach) accredited by ICF (International Coach Federation), I have agreed to follow established standards,   Ethics & Regulations, which guarantee the quality of the service provided.

I am an NLP Master – I gained this qualification through training at the Institute of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

  • I have a diverse experience in the HR field, which started with recruitment. This has been my passion for more than 10 years while involved in various projects such as Employer branding and labor market research, and employee engagement in BPO and the IT sector.
  • A valuable part of my experience is related to the development and retention of people in the organizations I have worked for.
  • I started using coaching techniques after taking a course in 2016. It is a result-oriented method for motivating and inspiring employees, developing new skills, creating a high-performance team culture, and reaching the stage of a self-managing team.

I have specialized in working with people in a career transition – a smooth entry into the IT field or a change of already chosen career path. I am going through a transformation myself and can easily help anyone looking for a new direction.

As your consultant, I am ready to:
  • accept and understand you: I believe in your talents and I am sure that you have the necessary resources to realize the desired transformation
  • support you by building structure and focus
  • I guarantee complete confidentiality – everything we discuss stays between us
  • share my experience and methodology that works
  • support you when you are struggling to find your motivation and meaning to achieve a sustainable result
  • connect you with other professionals and partners I work with


As my client, I expect from you:
  • Confidence: in your strength and potential, the work process, and my expertise
  • Openness: from you to you and from you to me, so that the result is in harmony with your essence
  • Taking responsibility: directions from me, decisions and actions from you
  • Fulfilling commitments: participating in the process with commitment and dedication
  • Courage: openness to different points of view and willingness to take action
  • Joy: the process can be a pleasure if you want it to be

The result depends on several factors:

  • the client’s patience, trust, and commitment to the process
  • my adequate support
  • external economic factors

90% of my clients achieved the desired result, and the rest have come close to it.

Rarely, but there are such people. These are people who have lost touch with themselves (they don’t know what they want, what they are good at, they expect someone to tell them and refuse to work towards understanding) or with a tendency to self-sabotage (they work only to prove to people and the world around how they do not succeed).

We use the Google meet platform for meetings – it provides flexibility and we are not limited by the area we live in. If necessary, of course, we can meet live in Sofia, after prior arrangements for a comfortable, calm, and creative place.

I will be happy to answer any questions you may have when you book a free introductory meeting with me:

Clients success stories

I was embarking on a career change and knew I needed tools to cope until l left the current team. Through knowing my triggers and awareness, I was hopeful for the benefit of getting coaching. The sessions gave me practical tools to use during my time on the team. As a person that learns by example, having open conversations helped a lot to visualize ways to implement examples into my situation. As I was concerned not getting help would result in me prematurely leaving my job without a backup or increase the decline in my health, I’m glad to state I feel a sense of accomplishment for making it to the end date.
I can have phone calls with my family without complaining about work because work is no longer a problem for me. I’m able to identify negative people or situations and deal with them accordingly.
I can see 10% good in all situations and be open to opportunities regardless if they are good or bad. I’m getting back to my natural sense of self. I used this knowledge to take stock of personal and professional decisions. I was able to define my boundaries to safeguard my health and wellbeing.


The UK

Coaching sessions have helped me to reflect on my experiences and challenges to find better ways to address these situations. We have explored a variety of topics and challenges and have been able to both explore them from an emotional and intellectual perspective while at the same time working to come up with feasible practical solutions to move forward.
I think that the more I reflect the more I learn, and this is a continuous process. I think that I have gained deeper insights into myself and my understanding of my thoughts, emotions, and situation. I have used this information to make better decisions or at least be more confident and at peace with the decisions, I have made since our sessions/explorations on the topics discussed.

Mathew S.

Belgium, Brussels 

I was feeling upset because I currently have no job on an employment contract. I lost my job last year because of the pandemic. The process of working with Plami for me always feels easy and goes smoothly. The conversation feels natural and I feel comfortable with the idea of sharing personal things that bother me in front of her. She may be the person that leads me with questions in the right direction, but the overall impression is that I am the leader of my progress. There is a path that I had to walk through and she is giving me the strength to complete it. The coaching sessions with Plami helped me to realize that I should put myself first. Now I feel more confident about the idea of looking for a new job.

I decided to set some boundaries. I am feeling ready to go to job interviews.

M. R.

Sofia, Bulgaria